1. Report -

    Over the past 18 months Healthwatch Isle of Wight has received increasing amounts of feedback relating to long waiting times and difficulties in accessing GP appointments.
  2. News -

    Over the past 18 months Healthwatch Isle of Wight has received increasing amounts of feedback relating to long waiting times and difficulties in accessing GP appointments.
  3. Report -

    Care at home became part of Healthwatch Isle of Wight's workplan for 2016/17 after a review of feedback received and a period of public engagement.
  4. News -

    Care at home services are an essential part of ensuring people can live safe and independent lives in their own home.
  5. Response -

    The Care Quality Commission has today published the results of their inspection of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust in November 2016. The trust has been rated as Inadequate overall.
  6. Report -

    Over 450 people have received information, advice or signposting from Healthwatch Isle of Wight in the past year.
  7. News -

    Nominated against tough competition from across England in the 'Engagement in Service Improvement' category, we came out top for our work improving the quality of care in local nursing and residential care homes.
  8. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
  9. News -

    Back in 2015 we found that complaints procedures at the IW NHS Trust needed large scale improvements. This mirrored the findings of the Care Quality Commission in 2014.
  10. Report -

    The Healthwatch Isle of Wight Enter and View panel undertook revisits to the hospital wards they previously visited in 2015. The IW NHS Trust had spent alot of time working on their complaints processes following the original visits.
  11. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  12. News -

    We have been contacted by numerous people with concerns about the future of Childrens Autism diagnostic services.
  13. News -

    An Isle of Wight film produced by Utility Films and Healthwatch Isle of Wight in collaboration with people with a learning disability will be presented at the Royal Society of Medicine Conference on the 20th November.
  14. Report -

    Following the public consultation to determine Healthwatch Isle of Wight's workplan priorities, feedback received relating to the IW NHS Trust Accident and Emergency Department was analysed, four key themes were identified and a survey was undertaken
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  22. Advice and Information -

    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
  23. News -

    The Care Quality Commission, in partnership with Healthwatch Isle of Wight are holding a focus group on Wednesday 22nd May at 11am at the Riverside Centre, Newport.
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  25. Report -

    This visit was arranged as part of an ongoing mental health work plan. The visit was designed to
    look at experiences of people who spend time as inpatients on local mental health wards
    either voluntarily or under sections of the Mental Health Act.
  26. News -

    In January 2019, our enter and view authorised representatives visited all inpatient mental health wards at the IOW NHS Trust as part of our focused work on mental health.
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  33. Report -

    2018-2019 has been no less challenging than previous ones and for the same fundamental reasons of increasing demand and inadequate resources; physical and financial.
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  35. Advice and Information -

    Primary care is changing. You may have heard the term Primary Care Network recently and be unsure what this means. Healthwatch Isle of Wight have created a patient guide to Primary Care Networks to explain what changes this may mean for you.
  36. Response -

    We are delighted that the government has announced that the IOW NHS Trust will be receiving £48m to improve acute services. We know that Island residents value local services and want to be treated here on the Island.
  37. Advice and Information -

    Are you looking to register with a GP?
    Below is a list of all the practices on the Isle of Wight