1. Event -

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  8. Advice and Information -

    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
  9. News -

    The Care Quality Commission, in partnership with Healthwatch Isle of Wight are holding a focus group on Wednesday 22nd May at 11am at the Riverside Centre, Newport.
  10. Event -

  11. Report -

    This visit was arranged as part of an ongoing mental health work plan. The visit was designed to
    look at experiences of people who spend time as inpatients on local mental health wards
    either voluntarily or under sections of the Mental Health Act.
  12. News -

    In January 2019, our enter and view authorised representatives visited all inpatient mental health wards at the IOW NHS Trust as part of our focused work on mental health.
  13. Event -

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  19. Report -

    2018-2019 has been no less challenging than previous ones and for the same fundamental reasons of increasing demand and inadequate resources; physical and financial.
  20. Event -

  21. Advice and Information -

    Primary care is changing. You may have heard the term Primary Care Network recently and be unsure what this means. Healthwatch Isle of Wight have created a patient guide to Primary Care Networks to explain what changes this may mean for you.
  22. Response -

    We are delighted that the government has announced that the IOW NHS Trust will be receiving £48m to improve acute services. We know that Island residents value local services and want to be treated here on the Island.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Are you looking to register with a GP?
    Below is a list of all the practices on the Isle of Wight
  24. Report -

    2019-2020 was a challenging year in many ways. It was a year of consolidation and developing new priorities based upon what you were telling us, details of which are contained in this report.
  25. Report -

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been a difficult year for everyone including Healthwatch and our staff and volunteers.
  26. Report -

    In 2019, a number of people who had been affected by suicide,
    contacted Healthwatch Isle of Wight. We spoke to people who had
    attempted to take their own life and their families and also to the families of people who had taken their own life.
  27. Report -

    NHS dental services have been in the spotlight for a number of years throughout England and have recently received a lot of negative feedback. The main area of concern for people is a lack of access.
  28. Report -

    In the period 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2021, Healthwatch Isle of Wight received 1415 pieces of feedback regarding Health and Social care, directly linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  29. News -

    An Island-wide 'listening tour' gets underway this month encouraging people to talk about their mental health and wellbeing during the past 18 months.
  30. News -

    Healthwatch Isle of Wight is reaching out to Island communities to hear from people directly about their experiences of accessing primary care and would particularly like to hear about people’s recent experiences after June this year.