1. Report -

    Over the past 18 months Healthwatch Isle of Wight has received increasing amounts of feedback relating to long waiting times and difficulties in accessing GP appointments.
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    Care at home became part of Healthwatch Isle of Wight's workplan for 2016/17 after a review of feedback received and a period of public engagement.
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    Over 450 people have received information, advice or signposting from Healthwatch Isle of Wight in the past year.
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    The Healthwatch Isle of Wight Enter and View panel undertook revisits to the hospital wards they previously visited in 2015. The IW NHS Trust had spent alot of time working on their complaints processes following the original visits.
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    Following the public consultation to determine Healthwatch Isle of Wight's workplan priorities, feedback received relating to the IW NHS Trust Accident and Emergency Department was analysed, four key themes were identified and a survey was undertaken